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SHEMM technology

Energy information technology, a soft and optimal path of self-development in the modern, constantly changing world, based on the direct transfer of information, as based on new experience, quality of life, «food for the brain»

Using the information recorded or encoded in products, the human body and brain receive the signals necessary to activate hidden abilities, reveal the capabilities of the body and psyche, positive life changes in various areas, acquire harmony with the surrounding space and much more

Basically, users describe the first impressions of using SHEMM products as «expanding the boundaries», «high-quality racing», «awareness of reality»

Advantages of SHEMM technology:

  • A wide range of products for various purposes and needs
  • Technology takes into account the natural rhythms of development
  • Lack of constant influence, absorption of information in a natural way as needed and for the task
  • Ability to change the surrounding space
  • Flexible adjustment for the user using various operating modes
  • The technology is based on ancient knowledge about the "energy structure" of a person from leading Taoist masters
  • Absence of the egregorial component «pure information»
  • Active support forum


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